Terms of use

ECZA’s website provides valuable information about economic cities and special economic zones in Saudi Arabia. By using ECZA’s website, the user agrees to its terms of use. These terms and conditions may be changed or amended at any time without prior notice. The use of this website is governed by the laws of the judicial authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which shall apply with regards to any claims and disputes that may arise from using ECZA’s website.

Website availability

ECZA works to ensure that this website is available 24 hours a day. However, ECZA will not be liable if, for any reason, this website is unavailable for any period of time due to technical issues or other complications. ECZA can suspend access to this website temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

Accuracy and guarantees

ECZA does its best to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on this website. ECZA shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from using this website or its content.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites are provided by ECZA as a convenience to the user. ECZA is not responsible for the contents of any linked websites. ECZA does not endorse any services or products that may be contained or referred to on these websites.